2021: Misako Suzuki (bilingual speech therapist) and Aya Ninomiya (bilingual Occupational Therapist) developed a webinar series for Japanese-speaking parents starting Monday, May 24th.
They will meet once a month on the 4th Monday and cover topics from self-discovery as a parent to a child with developmental differences, developing a support team around the child, and parent advocacy. The details in the above link are in Japanese only but please find to the right, a brief English pamphlet. It's possible that they run this in English in the future.
Support group for families with a child with special needs: The Tokyo Parent/Child Learning Group supports parents in Tokyo who are raising children with a variety of learning differences through the sharing of information and experiences. They meet once a month throughout the school year on either a Monday or Tuesday morning from 10 to 12 pm at the Wesley Center in Aoyama. They also have a private Facebook page where they post information about upcoming meetings and events and share resources and support. Please contact Melissa Woods Nelson, the leader of the group, for more information or to be added to the Facebook group: [email protected]
Past events: World Suicide Awareness day. September 10th 2016. Join the walk, see this website
What is good enough parenting? Or what your child really needs from you (from babyhood to adolescence)... There are so many parenting books and as many different perspectives on the ‘right’ way to bring up our children, that we often lose sight of the fundamentals. Sara Hitchens, a psychotherapist with expertise in working with young people, will discuss what makes a ‘good enough’ parent, and how that can be better than being the ‘perfect parent,’ as well as how our children’s needs change as they grow up. Saturday 17 September 10 – 11 am (with time for discussion afterwards) At the Wesley Center, 6-10-11 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062 http://wesley.or.jp/english/access/index.html Fee 2000 yen If you would like to attend, please email: [email protected] For more information about Sara, please see her website: www.sarahitchens.counselling.co.uk Dyslexia festival and symposium June 11 and 12, 2016 Yokohama, more info http://www.npo-edge.jp/educate/apdf/
Senia conference Japan The Special Education Network In Asia (SENIA) Japan will be at the Canadian Academy in Kobe on April 30th 2016 http://japan.senia.asia/april-2016-conference/ SENIA is a network of educators, professionals and parents across Asia dedicated to supporting children with special learning needs.
World Suicide Awareness day September 10th 2015. Join the walk, see this website